
A Guide to add your own server branding.

We do not provide support for new additional features you might add to the setup.

1. Tab and Scoreboard

  • Go to the /Plugins directory open the /Tab directory and select the /config.yml.

  • Press Cntrl f and type in servername to locate all the default server branding.

  • Replace the servername with your network's store name.

  • Press save and perform the /tab reload command.

2. Server menus

  • Go to the /Plugins directory open the /Deluxemenus directory, open /servermenus directory and select the Servermenu.yml and Coinshop.yml.

  • Press Cntrl f and type in servername to locate all the default server branding.

  • Replace the servername with your network's store and discord links.

  • Press save and perform the /dm reload command.

Last updated